Thursday, March 7, 2013

Choice Blog 5

Listening to Themselves: Podcasting Takes Lessons Beyond the Classroom

The transfer of information from teacher to student is an intricate process which should be more than memorization.  Students should not restate facts but display an actual understanding of material.  If students can coherently explain the taught material in their own words, the teacher has done something successful.  That teacher was able to convey a message and it was deeply percieved.  The use of podcasts in the classroom that the article describes are a very good tool to engage the students into a deeper understanding of the lessons.  By having the students broadcast their assignments they are having to convert their knowledge into something understandable.  It is within this process that the students become teachers not soley recievers, and it is here where the students stand stonger in the educative process. A person gains a deeper understanding of a topic when asked to explain it to another.  This broadens the mind and extends material from mere understandings into living knowledge